Counselling & therapy to help with issues around gender identity, crossdressing and feminisation hypnosis - online and face to face

Confidential & respectful counselling, therapy and advice for transitioning, gender-questioning, or crossdressing clients or their partners - one-to-one, online anywhere or in-person near Dundee and Perth, Scotland
On this page:
Gender dysphoria - we are here to help with the mental health issues around gender dysphoria - both direct (such as self-recognition and social transition) and indirect (such as anxiety, bullying, confidence and self-esteem).
Crossdressing - acceptance, dealing with shame or guilt, 'coming out'. We recognise that partners and families also require support and advice.
Hypnotic feminisation service programme is available for the transitioning woman or crossdressing man at a specially reduced rate when no other psychological treatment is required.
Gender dysphoria hypnotherapy counselling & support
Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort that may occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or their physical sexual characteristics. Transgender and gender-diverse people might experience gender dysphoria at some point in their lives, although others feel at ease with their bodies.
Although gender dysphoria is not a mental illness as such, poor mental health often results from the inner conflicts and life challenges that may be experienced by children, young people and adults. Some of the characteristic feelings are:
A ‘mismatch’ between gender identity and genitailia or secondary sex characteristics, such as breast size, voice and facial hair. For young people, this may be anxiety about acquiring secondary sex characteristics and therefore seeking to prevent their development or to get rid of them.
A strong desire to have the genitals and secondary sex characteristics of another gender.
A strong desire to be or to be regarded as another gender.
A strong sense of having the typical feelings and emotions of another gender.
Gender dysphoria may also cause significant distress that affects how you function in social situations, at work or school, and in other areas of life. Relationship problems are common and self-harm or substance misuse sometimes results.
Transitioning is when someone changes their gender presentation and/or sex characteristics to match their internal sense of gender. There are different ways of transitioning: social (changing name, pronoun, clothes), legal (changing legal name, legal gender) and medical (taking hormones, surgury). People do not by law have to undergo medical treatment or physical changes in order to qualify for a 'gender recognition certificate'. A first stage in the 'gender affirming' process is counselling. Hormone treatment may or may not follow.
Some people don't neatly fit into the categories of “male” or “female.” For example, some people have a gender that blends elements of being a man or a woman, or a gender that is different than either male or female. Some people don't identify with any gender. Some people's gender changes over time. People whose gender is not male or female use many different terms to describe themselves, with non-binary being one of the most common. Non-binary people are more likely to suffer abuse, violence and harassment and are more likely to be discriminated against in the workplace.

Transgender & non-binary - getting professional help
It is important that children and teenagers be referred by their GP to a specialist child and adolescent Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) to get a diagnosis and create a treatment plan. NHS Trans Healthcare in Scotland is delivered by four Gender Identity Clinics (GICs) – Glasgow Sandyford GIC (adults and young people), Edinburgh Chalmers GIC (adults), Aberdeen Cornhill GIC (adults), and Inverness Raigmore GIC (adults). The current trend is to offer video consultations. There is also a private sector GIC for adults provided by Your-GP in Edinburgh.
People in the United Kingdom can engage with an Adult GIC once they are 17 years old although there are sometimes protracted waiting times (possibly years) in some areas. Indeed, Scotland's only GIC for children (Sandyford) has not been accepting new clients since 2023. After an initial consultation, clients will work with their doctors to agree an action plan. In addition to psychological treatments, hormone / physical therapy options are available for some clients.
Read about how to find an NHS gender identity clinic
For more information about support from the NHS in England and Wales see here or from NHS Scotland see here. For information from Scottish Trans Alliance, see here. Private transgender healthcare and wellbeing services (including hormones, blood tests & counselling) are also available from The Gender GP - click here.
How can hypnotherapy help with gender dysphoria?
Hypnotherapists use techniques that bring about deep relaxation or 'trance' - a natural and everyday state similar to daydreaming – during which the client is very responsive to suggestions beneficial to their health and wellbeing. h2 Hypnotherapy uses integrative hypnotherapy in association with other techniques such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and relaxation to help with a wide range of issues. We have experience helping many trans and questioning clients (and their partners). For the client affected by gender dysphoria, hypnotherapy can be used to complement treatment plans agreed with a GIC (or whilst awaiting their first appointment). It is of help both to the person affected and also their friends and family in the following ways
Support for the parents of a transgender child – helping them to deal with the anxiety, stress and depression which are commonly associated with Gender Dysphoria.
Coping with discrimination and oppression by building resilience.
Working directly with sufferers with a range of issues including anxiety, stress, depression, loss of identity, sexuality, relationship issues, confidence, performance anxiety, insomnia and other health issues.
Empowering the client by teaching them techniques such as relaxation, positive mental rehearsal and self-hypnosis to enable them to help themselves between sessions and achieve long term wellbeing once therapy has ended.
Enabling them to fully accept themselves and the integration of all aspects of their gender identity using Ego-state Therapy.
Support during the ‘social gender role transition’ period (they are typically required to first live in their preferred gender identity full time for at least one year prior to having permanent gender-confirmation surgery.
Hypnotic suggestions for ‘feminisation’ (see below) or ‘masculinisation’ behaviours.
Support dealing with the challenges of ‘coming out’ as transgender to family, friends and colleagues – finding the courage, self-confidence and resilience.
Crossdressing and support for partners of crossdressers or transitioning

It is estimated that maybe one in ten men crossdress at some stage of their lives. However, men who hide such aspects of their personality from their partner often do so out of fear of being judged, losing love or putting their relationship in jeopardy. Crossdressers are usually heterosexual men who find comfort in wearing in women's clothes.
There are many misconceptions about men who crossdress, such as: they are gay (the incidence of homosexuality or bisexuality among crossdressers is same as in the population in general); they don't like women (most men who crossdress are married and actually adore women); they do it for sexual gratification (although crossdressing is a sexual fetish for some, for the vast majority it is simply an exploration of feminine self-expression that makes them feel relaxed and helps them with stress); they always wear women's clothes (most may only dress up occasionally); they can be "cured" (it is not an illness); that a crossdresser is on a journey to gender transition (the drivers for crossdressing are not the same as for those with a gender dysphoria).
Public attitudes towards crossdressing have, however, evolved to be more tolerant. While it was once considered taboo for women to wear clothes that were traditionally associated with men, this is not now the case. However, in most parts of the world it is socially unacceptable for people assigned male at birth to wear clothes that have traditionally been associated with women. Society permits women to wear jeans, suits, shirts and other more masculine items of clothing, but still disapproves of anyone assigned male at birth, or who identifies as masculine, wearing clothes or even colours associated with women.
There is no definitive answer as to why some people crossdress. Some may begin crossdressing as young as early childhood, starting as dress-up play or satisfying a curiosity for items such as nylon stockings or high heel shoes, yet others may begin later in life. Another problem that many crossdressers recognise in the attempt to attribute motives for their behaviour and many crossdressers feel that research should focus on the reasons why society considers crossdressing to be unacceptable, or why clothing is gender-segregated at all. So, a lot of crossdressers become secretive about their crossdressing and do their best to suppress or deny this essential part of their being. But rarely does the need to crossdress subside, and continued denial of the expression of this essential part of themselves can result in severe emotional ill-health. Many crossdressers ultimately find it impossible and intolerable to exist like this. They feel compelled to learn more about themselves and to share this important aspect of themselves with other significant people in their lives. While some crossdressers may be content to simply wear the clothing that has been more traditionally associated with a gender different to their own (either outwardly or under their normal clothing), others may want to project a more complete impression of belonging to another gender, experimenting with makeup and wigs.
For the partner and family it is not an easy thing to deal with and it is very common to experience feelings of despair, confusion and of have being deceived. The self-esteem of the partner may be impacted. It is therefore important to enable honest, open discussion and that partners are given help in terms of information and emotional support. The process of 'coming out' as a crossdresser is stressful for those concerned, however it is likely that this open disclosure has been the result of years of soul searching, frustration and anguish and has been made because of the love and trust that they have for the partner or loved-one.
The most effective approach to understanding crossdressing is knowledge and communication. Before forming any opinions and making any life-changing decisions, all concerned should thoroughly research the subject and seek the assistance of a suitably knowledgeable therapist or specialist counselling service such as h2 Hypnotherapy.
h2 Hypnotherapy counselling and therapy support provides both face-to-face or online help, individually or as a couple. Initial telephone consultations are free of charge. We can also suggest other places that may be appropriate for further advice and support.
Feminisation hypnosis service

Male to female feminisation hypnosis helps transgender women, crossdressing men, transvestites or 'sissies' become more 'womanly'. Regardless if we were born male or female, we consist of both male and female aspects. For those who may be born biologically male, or have a stronger male side in them, it can be easy to lose touch of the feminine.
Feminization hypnosis is not a way to change gender by hypnosis, but is a way to connect to your feminine self without necessarily undergoing drastic physical changes by way of hormones or surgery. Clients who use feminizing hypnosis for becoming more feminine might do so as part of the full gender affirmation process. However, most clients choose to practice feminisation hypnosis because they wish to adopt more traditionally feminine mannerisms, habits, sexual roles and thought processes, even if they do not intend to pursue a full transition. It can help transgender, gender fluid and crossdressing men behave in more feminine ways automatically and unconsciously. Many crossdressers wish to express themselves by having the confidence to go out in public 'enfemme' or to be able to socialise in a comfortable and relaxed manner whilst dressed. Hypnotic triggers can be suggested that will shift the client's subconscious responses from male to female mode, for example when putting on a certain makeup or item of female clothing, allowing them to compartmentalise their masculine and feminine personas.
Hormone treatments and social conditioning alone often can't erase the lifetime of masculine mannerisms, thought patterns, beliefs, and habits that have already established. Feminising hypnosis seeks to replace these mannerisms, beliefs and thought patterns with more feminine ones. Hypnosis may also be able to assist with breast development for a more natural feminine figure by utilising the 'mind-body connection'. Feminising hypnosis works with the subconscious mind to implant hypnotic suggestions that can help the subject to think and behave in more feminine ways, without conscious effort. Even men who do not wish to undergo a full gender confirmation process may use this hypnosis technique to feel more comfortable with themselves and confident in their female persona.
Prices for Feminisation: please note that 'feminisation only' hypnosis sessions (i.e. where other psychological issues are not dealt with) are provided at a reduced rate of only £65. Please also note: we do not operate a 'dressing service' for transvestites - such facilities are available elsewhere and we can put you in touch with services in Glasgow and Edinburgh - although clients are encouraged to present at the sessions in whatever way they feel comfortable. For a confidential chat give us a ring on 07919 056142 or use the enquiry form at the foot of this page.