Hypnotherapy for Children
Children and young people are generally very open and receptive to hypnotherapy - they are accustomed to using their imaginations and their powers of creativity vividly
Working with Children
The child's age will have a bearing upon their understanding of the concepts, the language used and types of metaphors (the 'stories' we tell). Children also vary enormously in their ability to relax and focus for any length of time and may respond better to techniques such as NLP which are 'out of hypnosis'. Their responsiveness may also vary from session to session, so our expert practitioner will need to be able to vary the approach accordingly. The earliest age suitable for hypnotherapy is probably about five and anything up to fifteen (when 'adult' approaches are the norm). Normal safeguarding requirements apply, with a parent or guardian present during therapy.

Issues that Hypnotherapy can help Children with
Listed below are just some of the problems that children may experience and can be helped using hypnotherapy and allied techniques.
Nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting)
Encopresis (soiling)
Tics and habits - vocal and motor
OCD thoughts and actions
Sleep problems
Behavioural issues - ODD and ADHD
Exam nerves and studying difficulty
Relationship issues
Phobias, such as animals