Hypnotherapy Supervision
one to one supervision for students and practitioners

Are you a qualified or trainee hypnotherapist seeking Accredited Hypnotherapy Supervision? Supervision will support you in working with clients and help you build a successful, ethical and safe hypnotherapy practice. I am an Acknowledged Supervisor with the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) and can assist you with one to one professional supervision to meet you own requirements – either face to face or via Zoom / Skype / telephone.
What is supervision?
Supervision is a formal, systematic and continuous process of professional support, in which hypnotherapists are assisted in developing their skills and practice through regular discussions with experienced colleagues. The GHR states that “it is important to meet with a colleague (or colleagues) to discuss, in confidence, ongoing cases and issues arising from them and to work through any personal matters that might affect their own position or ability as practising therapists. Such arrangements can take a variety of forms, the most usual of which are either personal One to One Supervision or participation within a Peer Support Group”.
Why is supervision important to you as a hypnotherapist?
Most hypnotherapists tend to work one to one with clients – they cannot share successes or frustrations with friends or family because of client confidentiality issues and supervision offers the opportunity to avoid the feeling of isolation and feel part of a wider community of hypnotherapists. Supervision promotes autonomous decision-making, ethical competence, confidence and creativity, as well as providing a means of keeping up to date with regulatory issues and best practice guidance. The most important benefit is self-confidence which, for most supervisees, results from reassurance that they are applying their knowledge correctly. A practitioner who is not self-confident cannot expect to form a beneficial therapeutic rapport with their client, and unsatisfactory outcomes will only further degrade their confidence.
Supervision sessions offer a safe, professional environment for therapists to offload in confidence; essential for therapist’s own mental and emotional wellbeing. The two main benefits of supervision are to protect clients, and to improve the ability of therapists to provide the best and most effective therapeutic experience for their clients. In the same way that therapists generally assist their clients to find their own answers in therapy and not tell them what to do, supervisors will do likewise. Supervision facilitates a therapist’s development.
What does supervision consist of?
Supervision focusses on the therapist, their clients and their practice. I employ a coaching / tutoring style whereby the supervisee will be encouraged to be analytical, reflective, and formulate their solutions and strategies. A typical session may comprise a discussion of the supervisee’s recent cases (de-personalised to preserve client confidentiality), identifying successes and areas where further learning or skill development is beneficial, and sharing personal issues and providing support to the supervisee. In the first couple of years of practice, the new therapist may need a lot of support and guidance, but as they get more experienced there will be more emphasis on developing their own solutions and skills. As well as reviewing recent caseload, the sessions may also include updates about the latest developments and good practice.
How often do you need supervision?
Your governing or regulatory body will have its own requirements for completing supervision. The GHR states that “newly qualified Registrants are expected to engage in this beneficial process for a minimum of 2 hours in any 3-month period during their first 2 years of practice. Thereafter, although ongoing Supervision is encouraged, it becomes a voluntary process.” The National Council for Hypnotherapy recommends a minimum level of supervision for the first 3 years of practice - currently 30 minutes per month, or a total of 6 hours spread over the year. However, there are many benefits of regular supervision so many hypnotherapists continue with supervision after these first 3 years. Graduates from the h2 Hypnotherapy Training PDip.IH course receive their first supervision session free of charge within the first six months and a reduced fee thereafter!
Taking into account your own needs and wishes, we will agree the appropriate duration and frequency of supervision. I recommend a minimum 45 minute session for the maximum benefit but if you need a shorter or longer time that is no problem. Newly qualified therapists will benefit from monthly appointments.
Options for receiving supervision
I offer one to one hypnotherapy supervision, face to face at my Alyth practice, or via telephone, Zoom or Skype. The current fee for hypnotherapy supervision sessions is £65, or only £45 for graduates of the PDip.IH course. If you would like to discuss my approach to supervision and how I can help you to build a professional and profitable practice please telephone me on 07919 056142.